5 things you should do to maintain Good hairs.


Oil your hair at least twice or thrice a week

Oiling your hair will give the nourishment it requires and stop hair fall (if any). While oiling, remember to apply directly into the scalp.

Use a quality styling product

Using a bad/cheap quality styling product would damage your hair to the extent that you will have chunks coming off every time you wash your hair.

Have a good hairdresser for styling

Your hairdresser will do more than half the work required to make your hair look good. A good hairdresser will also tell you the inner secrets for better care from his experience which no one else will.

Use your fingers as a comb when dry, an actual comb might damage them

It is usually observed that when you comb, your hair tends to tangle and break, which is why we suggest you use your fingers as comb.

Use a conditioner and wash your hair daily

You have the option of not applying conditioner daily but washing the hair daily is strongly recommended in order to eliminate all the junk out of your hair, especially, when you use a styling product.

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